Ricoh showcases latest innovations and technology with immersive experiences at drupa 2024
Visitors to the HENKAKUVERSE will explore transformative production possibilities and solutions to help future proof operations and accelerate growth.
London, December 14, 2023 – Ricoh Europe today announced it will feature an immersive booth experience at drupa 2024, Hall 8a, Messe Düsseldorf, Germany, May 28 to June 7. Based on HENKAKU, the Japanese term for transformational innovation, the exhibit will allow visitors to visualise new ways Ricoh solutions can help expand their business and reduce total cost of ownership through greater automation and efficiency.
Systems producing a wide range of high quality vibrant and versatile applications live on stand will include the new:
- RICOH ProTM Z75 B2 sheetfed digital inkjet press
The Dragon has landed, and the first B2 perfecting (auto-duplexing) sheetfed inkjet platform using aqueous ink accelerates the shift from offset to digital with higher print quality, faster turnaround times, and fewer demands on staff.
- RICOH Pro™ VC80000 digital colour high speed inkjet webfed press
This newest addition to Ricoh’s technology rich portfolio enables commercial, book, and direct mail printers to enjoy efficient operation and application agility with its enhanced automated production, closed loop quality control and advanced production floor integration.
- RICOH Pro™ C9500 digital colour sheetfed press
This next generation 135ppm press, known as the Jaguar, will be showcased at drupa. It empowers commercial printers to expand revenue streams and enhance operational efficiency with its labour-saving automation.
- RICOH Pro™ C7500 digital colour sheetfed press
Commercial printers can elevate their creative and versatile print production capabilities by achieving richer and more accurate colour with this next generation five colour digital sheetfed press. The newest Jaguar of all.
Visitors will be able to see first hand how Ricoh’s brand-agnostic software solutions can unleash the power of information and transformation by delivering data-driven insights, driving operation-wide productivity and supporting opportunities to grow revenue. Some of the solutions demonstrated will be the new RICOH TotalFlow™ Producer, a SaaS solution that automates the submission and consolidation of incoming jobs from multiple sources into a web-based dashboard for operation-wide production visibility, the award winning, trailblazing RICOH Auto Color Adjuster which provides precise colour management and matching capability without the need for a colour specialist, RICOH ProcessDirector™ the leading automated end to end workflow management solution that delivers piece-level integrity, and FusionPro® that handles all personalised communication as well as RICOH Supervisor™ which collects and interprets operational data sourced from connected production print devices and software, and its BI (Business Intelligence) engine creates web-based dashboard views to optimise device utilisation and throughput.
"Ricoh is set to showcase, with our broad range of market defining technologies, how we can partner with print production specialists and empower them to enhance their offering and drive growth,” says Koji Miyao, President of the Ricoh Graphic Communications (RGC) Business Unit, Ricoh Company, Ltd.
“Our flagship high speed inkjet and sheetfed toner presses will demonstrate their versatile and agile application production capabilities alongside the much-anticipated Ricoh Pro Z75 - the world’s first B2 aqueous inkjet sheetfed press – and the brand new Ricoh Pro VC80000. Our fast growing portfolio will present an array of revenue-generating applications supported by our own-developed printhead technology. Our intelligent vendor agnostic software solutions will provide ways visitors can ensure efficient and resource-saving operations in their own production environments. These technologies will help PSPs unleash the spirit of Co-innovation today. Co-innovation is the shared journey to value generation with Ricoh as the partner to future proof their business for tomorrow.”
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| Om Ricoh |
Hos Ricoh styrker vi digitale arbejdspladser gennem innovative teknologier og tjenester, der gør det muligt for mennesker at arbejde smartere, uanset hvor de er.
Ricoh er en førende leverandør af digitale tjenester, workflow- og dokumenthåndteringsløsninger samt kommercielle og industrielle printløsninger, der er designet til at understøtte digital transformation og optimere virksomhedens resultater.
Med hovedkvarter i Tokyo når Ricoh Group ud til kunder i ca. 200 lande og regioner, understøttet af viden, teknologier og organisatoriske evner og erfaringer, der er blevet næret gennem virksomhedens 85-årige historie.
I regnskabsåret, der sluttede marts 2023, havde Ricoh Group en global omsætning på 2.134 milliarder yen (ca. 16 mia. USD). Det er Ricohs mission og vision at forstå og transformere måden, som mennesker arbejder på, så vi kan frigøre deres potentiale og kreativitet – og sammen realisere en bæredygtig fremtid.
Ricoh Danmark A/S har hovedkontor i Vallensbæk Strand og filialer i Aarhus og Kolding. Ricoh Danmark har desuden eget landsdækkende servicenetværk, samt en række specialiserede partnere over hele landet.
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