
Ricoh named third largest in audio visual integrator list by SCN for two consecutive years

Ricoh has been positioned as the world’s third-largest AudioVisual (AV) integrator in 2024 by US publication, Systems Contractor News (SCN). This marks the second consecutive year that Ricoh has been recognised in this ranking as the third-largest integrator.

SCN Top 50 logo

The SCN Top 50 Systems Integrators 2024 list provides an annual snapshot of the industry, showcasing some of the top companies that deliver solutions for various vertical markets and around the world. The ranking is based on the previous year's sales and expected revenue from enterprise AV systems installations in the current year. 

Ricoh is expanding its business through strategic investments and partnerships. This includes growth in business communications and collaboration services, which align with the increasing demand for digital workspaces and hybrid/remote work.

In recent years, Ricoh has acquired companies such as Cenero (US), Datavision (EMEA), Pure AV (EMEA), AVC (EMEA) and Videocorp (LatAm) to strengthen its own capabilities. The synergy between Ricoh's various products, technologies, and customer networks and these companies enables the Ricoh Group to provide innovative, integrated services that improve collaboration, communication and overall efficiency.

In the Workplace Experience domain, which includes communications and collaboration services, Ricoh provides solutions enabling seamless collaboration in offices and anywhere hybrid work has become commonplace, enhancing people’s creativity. Ricoh empowers customers to focus on value-adding, creative tasks and achieve organisational growth through its integrated solution propositions of hardware, software, and managed services that comfortably utilise them.

“In a world where hybrid working styles have become the norm, the scale and portfolio of Ricoh's Workplace Experience business continues to expand. We are thrilled by this recognition, a testament to our commitment and dedication to provide the best experience for people working in various workplaces and promote creative collaboration,” said Masaya Takahashi, General Manager, Workplace Business Centre, Ricoh Digital Services Business Unit, Ricoh Company, Ltd. “Ricoh will continue to offer integrated digital solutions for managing office space and facilities to enhance the employee experience in all workplaces, empowering them to achieve fulfillment through work.”

| Om Ricoh |

Hos Ricoh styrker vi digitale arbejdspladser gennem innovative teknologier og tjenester, der gør det muligt for mennesker at arbejde smartere, uanset hvor de er.

Ricoh er en førende leverandør af digitale tjenester, workflow- og dokumenthåndteringsløsninger samt kommercielle og industrielle printløsninger, der er designet til at understøtte digital transformation og optimere virksomhedens resultater.

Med hovedkvarter i Tokyo når Ricoh Group ud til kunder i ca. 200 lande og regioner, understøttet af viden, teknologier og organisatoriske evner og erfaringer, der er blevet næret gennem virksomhedens 85-årige historie.

I regnskabsåret, der sluttede marts 2023, havde Ricoh Group en global omsætning på 2.134 milliarder yen (ca. 16 mia. USD). Det er Ricohs mission og vision at forstå og transformere måden, som mennesker arbejder på, så vi kan frigøre deres potentiale og kreativitet – og sammen realisere en bæredygtig fremtid.

Ricoh Danmark A/S har hovedkontor i Vallensbæk Strand og filialer i Aarhus og Kolding. Ricoh Danmark har desuden eget landsdækkende servicenetværk, samt en række specialiserede partnere over hele landet.

Læs mere på www.ricoh.dk


Ricoh Danmark A/S
Delta Park 37
2665 Vallensbæk Strand
Tlf.: 70 10 67 68

Country Manager
Søren Steendahl
Tlf.: 29 29 61 91
E-mail: soren.steendahl@ricoh.dk

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