Quocirca names Ricoh a leader in 2024 Managed Print Services Market Landscape
London, October 21, 2024 – Ricoh have today announced it has been named a market leader in The Managed Print Services Market Landscape, 2024 vendor report by worldwide analyst and research firm Quocirca.
Based on a study conducted in July 2024 across 500 organisations with over 250 employees using Managed Print Services (MPS) in the US, UK, France, and Germany, the report highlights the importance of MPS as a key enabler for driving efficiency, improving security, lowering environmental impact, and enhancing workflow automation in hybrid work environments, where there is a growing need for MPS suppliers to deliver effective workplace technology.
According to Quocirca, respondents indicated IT expertise (42%) as the top priority when selecting an MPS provider, and cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI), and cloud computing as the top technology investments in the coming year. Quocirca have recognised Ricoh as a market leader for its comprehensive hardware portfolio that helps businesses build sustainable and secure print infrastructures, and is complemented by its mature range of workplace experience solutions. Ricoh were also noted for embracing a hybrid approach that leverage platforms such as AWSIoT.to deliver robust security frameworks across the entire office technology environment and acknowledged for its comprehensive cloud strategy. The report cited several Ricoh offerings supporting these areas, including Ricoh’s remote monitoring and asset management platform IoT Command Center that delivers real-time issue detection, resolution, and insights, and Ricoh CloudStream that streamlines and manages print infrastructures in the cloud.
“As office environments continue to evolve, so do the expectations for Managed Print Services,” said Paul Birkett, Vice President of Strategic Portfolio, Ricoh Europe. “Businesses today are prioritising access to seamless printing capabilities, proactive issue remediation, and easy-to-use tools and technologies for efficient infrastructure management. Our comprehensive approach goes beyond traditional managed print services, leveraging IoT, cloud technologies, and AI to create intelligent, secure, and sustainable work environments. By aligning our solutions with the evolving needs of the workplace, we're not just managing print - we're reshaping how customers operate in the digital age."
Our ongoing investments are actively meeting these changing workplace needs and delivering greater value to our customers, further solidifying our commitment and leadership in MPS.”
Quocirca identifies market leaders as leading the market in both strategic vision and depth of service offering, while having made significant investments in their service portfolio and infrastructure and are supported by strong delivery capabilities. The firm cited several strengths Ricoh possesses that contributed to its market leader position, including:
- Broad services offering that meets the changing demands of the modern workplace.
- Global footprint with local delivery for a single partner to serve customers worldwide.
- Robust security foundation with a comprehensive approach that encompasses the entire office technology ecosystem.
- Strong focus on sustainability that enables Ricoh to deliver an MPS offering that helps customers reduce environmental impact and support their ESG goals.
- Value-add assessments that cover all areas of an organisation from document security to ESG and sustainability to infrastructure optimization.
For more information and to download an excerpt copy of the report, click here.
| Om Ricoh |
Hos Ricoh styrker vi digitale arbejdspladser gennem innovative teknologier og tjenester, der gør det muligt for mennesker at arbejde smartere, uanset hvor de er.
Ricoh er en førende leverandør af digitale tjenester, workflow- og dokumenthåndteringsløsninger samt kommercielle og industrielle printløsninger, der er designet til at understøtte digital transformation og optimere virksomhedens resultater.
Med hovedkvarter i Tokyo når Ricoh Group ud til kunder i ca. 200 lande og regioner, understøttet af viden, teknologier og organisatoriske evner og erfaringer, der er blevet næret gennem virksomhedens 85-årige historie.
I regnskabsåret, der sluttede marts 2023, havde Ricoh Group en global omsætning på 2.134 milliarder yen (ca. 16 mia. USD). Det er Ricohs mission og vision at forstå og transformere måden, som mennesker arbejder på, så vi kan frigøre deres potentiale og kreativitet – og sammen realisere en bæredygtig fremtid.
Ricoh Danmark A/S har hovedkontor i Vallensbæk Strand og filialer i Aarhus og Kolding. Ricoh Danmark har desuden eget landsdækkende servicenetværk, samt en række specialiserede partnere over hele landet.
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Ricoh Danmark A/S
Delta Park 37
2665 Vallensbæk Strand
Tlf.: 70 10 67 68
Country Manager
Søren Steendahl
Tlf.: 29 29 61 91
E-mail: soren.steendahl@ricoh.dk
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