Innovative end to end Ricoh automation to power productivity at Hunkeler Innovationdays 2025
Highly automated end to end processes enhancing print operations’ productivity will be demonstrated by Ricoh in Hall 2, stand P6, at Hunkeler Innovationdays 2025, February 24 to 27, Lucerne Exhibition Centre, Switzerland.
Ricoh’s expansive high speed inkjet and sheetfed production portfolio, represented by RICOH Pro™ VC80000, Ricoh Pro™ VC40000, and RICOH Pro™ C9500 technologies, as well as an interactive presentation of the RICOH Pro™ Z75 B2 inkjet press, will demonstrate how everyday capabilities can be elevated to create a highly productive concept to completion environment.
Efficient and profitable end to end production begins with software solutions including RICOH TotalFlow BatchBuilder™, that simplifies and automates many steps in short run digital production, and RICOH ProcessDirector™, that captures, transforms and manages production information and print processes with precise tracking. RICOH Predictive Insight™, first introduced on the Pro VC80000 high speed inkjet press, provides data driven insights into device utilisation and operator productivity. By using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning capabilities, processes and operations are monitored to help optimise hardware uptime and throughput while minimising maintenance interruptions.
Completing the highly connected approach is a new automation protocol called Print Line and Finishing Interface (PLF-I). This open source interface enables a step change in communication between web fed printers such as the Pro VC80000 and pre- and post-processing equipment, resulting in enhanced automation.
Elevating print production automation further, the Ricoh Auto Color Adjuster provides easy, fast and accurate colour management capabilities, and ensures consistency from system to system and job to job.
The successful combination of hardware and software can provide creative commercial printers with the freedom to innovate. It can also support visionary endeavours such as Green Gift Cards’ creation of fully recyclable gift and loyalty cards. Visitors will be able to see how the successful collaboration has resulted in the development of cards that have an associated carbon emission impact of just 4.28gCO2e each when digitally printed on a paper based substrate compared to 46.97gCO2e each when digitally printed on non-recyclable PVC.
Eef de Ridder, Vice President, Ricoh Europe Graphic Communications, says: “Automation has the power to positively enhance every stage of the print production process. The increased role of AI and Machine Learning provide levels of understanding, operational improvements and touchless workflows that help reduce pressures and increase productivity. Building on the ‘Connect’ theme of Hunkeler Innovationdays 2025, Ricoh will demonstrate how automation also continues to elevate hardware and software capabilities and allows commercial, transactional, and enterprise printers greater freedom to competently and confidently expand their service offering.”
Ricoh is a Hunkeler Innovationdays 2025 Premium Partner.
| Om Ricoh |
Hos Ricoh styrker vi digitale arbejdspladser gennem innovative teknologier og tjenester, der gør det muligt for mennesker at arbejde smartere, uanset hvor de er.
Ricoh er en førende leverandør af digitale tjenester, workflow- og dokumenthåndteringsløsninger samt kommercielle og industrielle printløsninger, der er designet til at understøtte digital transformation og optimere virksomhedens resultater.
Med hovedkvarter i Tokyo når Ricoh Group ud til kunder i ca. 200 lande og regioner, understøttet af viden, teknologier og organisatoriske evner og erfaringer, der er blevet næret gennem virksomhedens 85-årige historie.
I regnskabsåret, der sluttede marts 2023, havde Ricoh Group en global omsætning på 2.134 milliarder yen (ca. 16 mia. USD). Det er Ricohs mission og vision at forstå og transformere måden, som mennesker arbejder på, så vi kan frigøre deres potentiale og kreativitet – og sammen realisere en bæredygtig fremtid.
Ricoh Danmark A/S har hovedkontor i Vallensbæk Strand og filialer i Aarhus og Kolding. Ricoh Danmark har desuden eget landsdækkende servicenetværk, samt en række specialiserede partnere over hele landet.
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